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Communications …. We live in a world that has become increasingly dependent on communications, most in capsule form, to inform us of world events, technology applications, economic vicissitudes and just plain news. The founders of the NAVAL SUBMARINE LEAGUE recognized the need for a communication vehicle early on and published a submarine oriented magazine, THE SUBMARINE REVIEW. In time, the NSL was financially able to offer a modest stipend to the contributing authors as a recognition of our appreciation. This stipend has now grown to be competitive with those paid by major trade magazines and journals. Currently a $200.00 stipend is paid for major articles (short story length-ยท 2,500 words) and three published articles are annually selected for special recognition and an honorarium of up to $400.00.

To foster the idea of writing as a desirable and rewarding effort, the NSL has established programs at the U.S. Naval Academy and NROTC Units to encourage forward-thinking future naval officers to accept writing as a career enhancing and satisfying effort. This issue of the REVIEW contains the first of many such articles. The pay-off for the submarine force of the future should be immense. The top three entries each from USNA and the NROTC Units will receive a cash prize and recognition in the REVIEW. The submarine communication seed has been planted and the first harvest reaped. What next …..?

The NSL Editorial Review Board has long been concerned about the reticence of active duty members to write about submarine matters. There are an abundance of submarine issues that can be opened to debate and consensus, far removed from the specter of security clearances. To encourage our submariners to write and foster the exchange of thoughts and ideas, the NSL is establishing an annual program that will recognize a prize essay from each of two categories based on rank. Contrary to some belief, the encouragement and stimulation of informed debate will strengthen the submarine force. There is sufficient opportunity to classify those aspects which have that need, as programs and ideas mature. The haunting thought is that, without a communication medium, significant ideas and thoughts will never reach the nurturing stage. There is no autocratic dispenser of creative ideas. To stay at the technological and operational forefront of its adversaries, the submarine force can benefit from debate and debate requires communication. As a side benefit, our more creative submarine thinkers will be furnished a means of early recognition and hopefully their service will be channeled into productive arenas. The NSL Prize Essay Program will be described elsewhere in this issue. I encourage every senior submariner to encourage our future leaders to get involved.

Finally, I hope to see many of you at the 13-14 June Annual NSL Symposium. These are exciting yet difficult times. Our submarine force success will be a function of teamwork and an integrated and focussed effort, encouraged and supported by all NSL members. Our speakers at the Symposium are recognized authorities and our new 2-day agenda will be worth your time and support.

AI Kelln

Naval Submarine League

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