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Books and Collected Articles in the Italian Submarine School Library

Extracted from a list furnished by Captain (Eng. Corp) Attilio Raniere, Italian Navy, Director of the Scuola Sommergibili. Shown below are a number of the Italian Language books and collections of articles in the Italian Submarine School Library. Not shown are many other books and individual articles in English, French, German, Italian and other languages. The translated titles are more literal than idiomatic. Publications of nonItalian origin have been shown in order to demonstrate the wide range of literature available to the Italian submarine school student.

[Captain Till commanded WOODROW WILSON and went on to serve two tours in Italy. One as Chief/ of Staff to COMSUBMED in Naples, and one as Defense Attache in Rome.]

Note 1. U.S.M.M. =Italian Office of Naval History
Note 2. A.N.M.1. =Italian National Naval Association

Campagna, E., La Nave Subacquea [The Undersea Ship,] Milano: U. Hoepli, 1915

Bravetta, E., Sottomarini Sommergjbili e Toepedinj [Submarines, Submersibles and Torpedoes,] Milano: Fratelli Treves, 1915

Bravetta, E., Macchine Infernali [Infernal Machines,] Milano: Fratelli Treves, 1917

Milanesi, G., Sommergibili [Submarines,] Milano: Alfieri e Lacroix, 1917

Accademia Navale, Sommergibili ffirevi nozioni ad uso degli eguipaggil [Submarines (Brief thoughts on use of the crew,)] La Spezia: F. Zappa, 1916

Giorli, E., II Sottomarino e la Guerra Navale [The Submarine and Naval Warfare,] Milano: L. Oliva, 1915

Tozzi, A., II delfino Italiano per la Navigazione Sonomarina [The Italian dolphin throughout submarine navigation,] Firenze: Publisher unknown, 1871

Marulli, J., Le Navi [The Ships,] Roma: Lega Navale ltaliana, 1928

Bulwark, Sommergibil i CAppo&J:io-Carenaggjo-Trasoorto-Recu pero-Prova pressatura) [Submarines (Support, Drydocldng, Transport, Recovery, Pressure Testing,)] Genova: Marina Mercantile ltaliana, 1917

Darkling, L., II Doi ore sul Mare (La guerra sttomarina) [The Anguish on the Sea,] Genova: ltalianissima, 1922

__________ ,In Memoria dello S. M. ed Egujpaggjo del SMG. S. Veniero [In memory of the Captain and Crew of the submarine San Veniero,] Roma: Provv. Gen. dello Stato, 1925

Milanesi, G., Mar Sanguigno [Bloody Sea,] Roma: A. Stock, 1927

Guglielmotti, L., II Sommergibile Spiegato al Popolo [The Submarine explained to the People,] Roma: Libreria del Littorio, 1928

Vicoli, F., La Ferrea Bara degli Eroi [The Iron Bier of the Heroes,] Firenze: Toscana, 1929

__________ , In Memoria del C.C. Wiel [In Memory of LCDR Wiel, ] Padova: Unknown, 1929

Sulliotti, I., Onde Insani:uinate [Bloody Waves,] Milano: Omen oni, 1930

Bravetta, E., L’Insidia Sottomarino [The Insidious Submarine,] Milano: U. Hoepli, 1931

Ministero Marina, I Nostri Sommergibili (Durante la ilJerra 1915- 1918 Vari [Our Submarines·(Launchings During the War 1915- 1918)] U. Capo Stato Maggiore: Roma, 1933

Michelsen, Amm., La Guerra negli Abissi [The War in the Abysses] Marangoni: Milano, 1933

Falangola, Amm. M., II Sommergibile F.7 [The Submarine F7] Ardita: Roma, 1933

Spindler, A., La Guerra sul Mare 1914-1918 al Commercjo con I Smg. [The War on the Sea 1914-1918 Against Commerce by Submarine, Volume I] 1st. Polig. dello Stato: Roma, Volumes I, 11, & m, 1934 and 1936

Spiess, J., La Guerra Sottomarina[Undersea Warfare] 0. Marangoni: Milano 1932

Hersing, C.C., U-21 Liberatoredei Dardanelli [U21, Liberator of the Dardanelles] 0. Marangoni: Milano, 1933

Maraghini, G., II Sommergibile “Atropo” [The Submarine “Atropo”] Ardita: Roma 1934

Ciancimino, C., I Sommergibili neJla Guerra Mondale [Subma rines during the Word War] Le Grandi Avventure: Milano, 1935

Hashagen, E., La Tragedia dei Sommergihile [The Tragedy of the Submarines] Fratelli Treves: Milano 1935

Von Moraht, II Lupo del Mediterraneo [The Wolf of the Mediterranean] 0. Marangoni: Milano, 1939

Milanesi, G., La Voce del Fondo [The Voice of the Deep] Alfieri & Lacroix: Milano, 1942

Neureuther, C., Viviamo Ancora [We Still Live] A. Salani: Firenze, 1936

Valentiner, M., II Terrore sui Mari [The Terror on the Seas} Fratelli Treves: Milano, 1936

Jellicoe, E., II Pericolo Sottomarino [The Submarine Danger] Ist. Polig. dello Stato: Roma, 1936

Whitehead, La Storia del Siluro 1860-1936 [The Story of the Torpedo, 1860-1936] Whitehead: Fiume, 1936

U.S. M. M. ‘, I Sommergibili Italiani 1895-1962 [Italian Submarines 1895-1962] U.S.M.M.:Roma 1963

Crepas, A., Gli Angeli Senza Ali[The Angels Without Wings] C.B. Paravia & C.: Torino, 1939

Zannoni, C.V. F., Annali della Vasca Naz. per le Esperienze di Archit. Navale [Annals of the National Towtank relating to Naval Architecture] 1st. Polig. Statale: Roma, 1939

Spiegel, V., L’lnfemo nei Sommergibili [The Inferno in Submarines} 0. Marangoni: Milano, 1939

U. Degli Uberti-K. Kiel I Sommergibili dell’ Asse [Axis Submarines] La Verita’: Roma, 1941

Vingiano, G. L’ Avventµrosa Crociera Atlantica del Smg. A. Barbarigo [The Adventurous Atlantic Cruise of the Submarine A. Barbarigo] A. Mondadori: Verona, 1942

Sez. Tattica SMOG lmpiego del SMG nella Guerra al Traffico Oceanico [Employment of the Submarine in the War Against Ocean Traffic] Sez. Tattica SMGG: Mar Baltico, 1942

Prien, G. Fino a Scapa Flow [Up To Scapa Flow} G.C. Sansoni: Firenze, 1943

Cappellini, A., Prima di Andare a Malta [Before Going to Malta} Ed. Europa: Milano, 1947

__________‘Torpedini Umane Contro la Fiona Inglese [Human Torpedoes Against the English Fleet] Ed. Europa: Milano 1947

Turati, N., In fondo al Mare – lmpresa del C.3 [In the Depth of the Sea – Exploits of the CJ} G. Biancardi: Lodi, 1948

Ferretti, C.M., 20.0QQ Rupie di Taglia [20,000 Rupee Reward] Danesi: Roma 1948

De Giacomo, A., Sommergibili Italiani nell ‘Atl antico [Italian Submarines in the Atlantic] L’ Arnia: Roma 1950

Maronari, A., Un Sommergibile non E’Rjentrato alla Base [A Submarine Has Not Returned to Base] Rizzoli: Milano 1952

Borghese, J.V., Decima Flottiglia Mas [Tenth Torpedo Boat Flotilla] Garzanti: Milano, 1954

Vainigli, L., Il Sommergibile [The Submarine] Tip. Moderna: La Spezia, 1954

Cocchia, A., Sommergibili all’ Attacco [Attack Submarines] Rizzoli: Milano, 1955

U.S.M.M., Sommergibili in Guerra Cegjsodi in mediterraneo) [Submarines at War {Episodes in the Mediterranean)] USMM.: Roma, 1956

Rayner, D.A., Duello nell’ Atlantico [Duel in the Atlantic] BaJdini & Castoldi: Milano, 1958

Franck, W., I Lupi e L’Ammiraglio Ctrjonfo (tragedia dei sommergibil) [The Wolves and the AdmiraJ (friumph and tragedy of the Submarines)] Baldini & Castaldi: Milano, 1959

__________‘Il Toro di Scapa Flow [The Bull of Scapa Flow] Baldini & Castaldi: Milano, 1960

Horsley, D., Squali d’ Acciao [Sharks of Steel] Racconti di Guerra: Roma, 1959

Pegolotti, B. Uomini Contro Navi [Men Against Ships] Vallechi: Firenze, 1960

Brennecke, J., Il Caso Laconia [The Laconia Case] BaJdini & Castoldi: Milano, 1961

Trizzino, A., Sopra di Noi L’Oceano [Above Us the Ocean] Longanese & C.: Milano, 1962

Peillard, L., II Caso del Laconia [The Case of the Laconia] Garzanti: Milano, 1963

Caporilli, P., Acgua Salata [SaJt Water] Ardita: Roma, 1962

Raiola, G., Ouelli di Betasom CSMGG Italiani in Atlantico) [Those of “Betasom” (Italian Submarines in the Atlantic)] G. Volpe: Roma, 1965

Donato, A., I Sommergibili Emersero all Alba [The Submarines Surfacing at Dawn] Baldini & Castoldi: Milano, 1965

Martinelli, F., Gli Squali del Terzo Reich [The Sharks of the Third Reich] G. de Vecchi: Milano, 1966

Martino, E. – A. Gigante, La Flotta Sovietica Oggi – Sottomarini e Sommergibili [The Soviet Fleet Today – Submarines and Submersibles] lntyrama: Genova, 1967

Nelli, R.B., Eroismo Italiano Sotto i Mari 0940-1943) G. de Vecchi: Milano, 1968

ntler, J.J., Storiadel Sonomarino (Dai primi esper. di FULTON a quelli atomici) [History of the Submarine (From the first experience of the Fulton to atomic submarines) Sugar Editore: Milano, 1969

Pasetti, A., Omega 9 [Omega 9] Bietti: Milano, 1969

Hezlet, A.R. La Guerra Subacquea il Sottomarino e il Potere Marittimo [The Undersea War, the Submarine and Maritime Power) Sansoni: Firenze, 1969

Boscolo, A., II Comandante Salvatore Todaro [Commander Salvatore Todaro] G. Volpe: Roma, 1970

Mason, D., U-Boote Minaccia Segreta [U-Boat Secret Menace] E. Albertelli: Parma, 1970

Cepparo, R., Missione Segreta Mar Nero [Black Sea Secret Mission] Ist. Europa: 7,1970

Betasom, Vedetta Atlantica (Betasom 1941-1942)Craccolta) [Atlantic Lookout (Betasom 1941-1942)(Collection)] Betasom: Bordeaux, 1970

Nassigb, R., Guerra negli Abissi [War in the Depths] U. Mursia & C. : Milano, 1971

Cassini, M., Torpedini Umane [Human Torpedoes] U. Mursia & C.: Milano, 1971

Silvani, L., Gli Arditi del Mare Sottomarini – Mas “Maiali” 0940-1943) [The Daring Men of the Submarine Sea -Torpedo Boat “Maiali” (1940-1943)] G. de Vecchi: Milano 1972

Korganoff, A., II Mistero di Scapa Flow CL’incredjbile impresa dell’U-47) [The Mystery of Scapa Flow (The lncredibile Exploit of the U47)] U. Mursia& C.: Milano 1972

U.S.M.M., I Sommergibili in Mediterraneo [Submarines in the Mediterranean] U.S.M.M.: Roma, 1972

U.S.M.M., L’Ortrnnizµzjone della Marina Durante il Conflitto [The Organization of the Navy During the War] U.S.M.M.: Roma, 1972-78

U.S.M.M., Dati Statistici – Vol.1 [Statistical Data] U.S.M.M.: Roma, 1972

U.S.M.M., Navi Militare Perdute – Vol. 2 [Naval Ships Lost] U .S.M.M.: Roma, 1975

U.S.M.M., I Sommeri:ibili negli Oceani [Submarines in the Ocean] U.S.M.M.: Roma, 1976

U.S.M.M., La Marina dall’8/9/t943 aJla Fine del Conflitto [The Navy from 9/8/43 to the End of the War] U.S.M.M.: Roma, 1971

U.S.M.M., I Mezzj d’Assalto [The Means of Assault] U.S.M.M.: Roma, 1972/1992

Bagnasco, E., I Sommeri:ibili della II Guerra Mondiale [Subma rines of the Second World War] E.Albertelli: Parma, 1973

Ghetti, W., Storia Mondiale del Sommergibile [Global Story of the Submarine] G. de Vecchi: Milano, 1975

Peillard, L., La Battaglia delI’ Atlantico A. [The Battle of the Atlantic] Mondadori: Verona, 1976

Raiola, G., Timoni a Salire [Maneuver to Ascend] Mursia & C.: Milano 1978

Uf. Stato Maggiore R.M., Raccolta di Rapporti su Azioni Naya)i di SMOG. ne11a 2* G.M. [Collection of Submarine Naval Action Reports during WWII] Uf. Stato Maggiore R.M.: Roma, 1978

Brauzzi, A., La Marina Italiana il 10 Giugno 1940 [The Italian Navy on June 10, 1940] Rivista Marittima: Roma 1980

Meneghini, T., Cento Sommergibili non sono Tornati [One Hundred Submarines Have Not Returned] C.E.N.: Roma, 1980

Solmi, A., II Mistero dei Sottomarini Atomici (The Mystery of Atomic Submarines] A. Mondadori: Milano, 1981

Risaia, A., Ricardi di un Sommergibilista (del smg Barbarjgo) [Memoirs of a Submariner (of the submarine Barbarigo)] A. Risaia: Cremona, 1984

Flamigni, A., Strategia e Tattica d’lmpiego dei Sommergibili [Strategy and Tactics of Submarine Employment] Rivista Marittima: Roma, 1990

__________, Rivista Nautica 1893-1910 (articoli sui sommergi bili) [Nautical Review 1893-1910 {submarine articles)] Rivista Nautica

Raiola, G., Uomini dell’ Atlantico [Men of the Atlantic] Longanese & C.: Milano, 1973

Galuppini, G., Guida ai Sommergibili dalle Origini ad Oggi [Guide to Submarines from Origins to Today] A. Mondadori: Milano, 1985

Ministero Difesa, Libro Bianco 1985 (La Difesa) [White Book 1985 (Defense)] Ministero Difesa: Roma, 1985

Vanni, P., II Ritorno dello Scire [The Return of the Scir~] Progresso 3 s.r.l.: Firenze, 1985

U.S.M.M., Lo Schnorchel Italiano [The Italian Snorkel} U.S.M.M.: Roma, 1986

A.N.M.I., R Sommergjbile Scire`[Return of the Submarine Scire` ] A.N.M.I.: Pistoia, 1986

Scardaccione, A.: II Delfino Dorato [The Gilded Dolphin] Schena: Fasano, 1988

Maioli, G., Sguali d’ Acciao [Sharks of Steel] Fratelli Melita: La Spezia, 1988

Bagnasco, E. – A. RasteHi, SommergibiH in Guerra [Submarines in War] E. Albertelli: Parma, 1989

Giorgerini, G., Pa Matapan a] Golfo Persico Oa M.M.I. dal fascismo alla repubblical [From Matapan to the Persian Gulf (The Italian Navy from Fascism to the Republic)] A. Mondadori: Milano, 1989

Turrini, A. – M. Cosentino, Sommergibili (Dossier JP4) – Suppl. Panorama Difesa [Submarines (Dossier JP4) – Supplement to .. Panorama Difesa”] So. di P. Patuzzi s.p.a.:Milano, 1989

__________, Sommergjbili Italianj (fra le due guerre mondialil)[Italian Submarines (between the two world wars)] Stato Magg. Marina: Roma, 1989

Mattesini, F., L’Ultima Missione del Sommergibile .. Pa Vinci” IThe Final Mission of the Submarine .. Da Vinci”] U.S.M.M.: Roma, 1989

De Risio, C., Quota Periscopio [Periscope Depth] Stato Magg. Marina: Roma, 1990

Lo Martire, N.B., Taranto e i suoi Sommergibile [Taranto and it’s Submarines] Schena: Fasano, 1990

Marcon-Flamigni-Turrini, Sommergjbile Italiani (cento anni di vita tra storia e leggenda) [Italian Submarines (100 years of life between history and legend)] Rivista Marittima: Roma, 1990

Casali-Cattaruzza, Sotto i Mari del Mondo (la Whitehead 1875- 1990) [Under the Seas of the World (the Whitehead 1875-1990) Laterza: Bari, 1990

Maristat, I entenario 1890-1990 (articoli) [First Century 1890- 1990 (articles)] Maristat: Roma, 1990

Bargoni, F., Tutte le Navi Militari d’Italia 1861-1986 (All Italian Naval Ships 1861-1986) U.S.M.M.: Roma, 1990

A.N.M.I ., Abruzzo sul Fondo [Abruzzo on the Bottom] A.N.M .I.: Montesilvano, 1991

Birindelli, G., Vita di Marinaio [Life of a Sailor] Vito Bianco: Roma, 1991

Brauzzi, A., I Mezzi d’ Assalto della Marina Italiana [The Means of Assault of the Italian Navy] Rivista Marittima: Roma, 1991

Spertini, M.-E. Bagnasco, Mezzi d’ Assalto X Flottiglia Mas 1940-1945 [Means of Assault of the Tenth PT Flotilla] E. Albertelli: Parma, 1991

Frandi, M., Le Avventure di un Marinaio di Betasom [The Adventures of a Sailor of Betasom] Erga: Genova, 1992

Turrini, A .,II Battello Subacgueo (La sua evoluz. attrav. gIi scritti della rivista marittima) [The Underwater Boat (Its Evolution Through the Writings in the Maritime Review)] Rivista Marittima: Roma, 1992

Lo Martire, N.B., Navi e Bugie [Ships and Lies] Schena: Fasano,?

Lupinacci, P.F., Attivita` in Mar Nero e Lago Ladoga [Activity in the Black Sea and Lake Ladoga] U.S.M.M.:Roma, 1993


Dynamics Research Corporation

Member Since 1/27/92

Since its founding in 1955 by several M.I.T. engineers, formerly of the Draper Laboratory, DRC has been committed to the delivery of quality and value for its customers. For almost 40 years, from Polaris to Trident, DRC has provided test equipment for guidance systems and a wide range of engineering analysis and evaluation of the guidance and navigation systems for the Strategic Systems Program organization. For over 20 years, DRC has operated an inertial instrument test laboratory to evaluate long-term performance of SINS and ESG navigation components. DRC provides independent assessment of navigation software programs. DRC developed, and continues to operate, a computer based system for managing information about inertial guidance systems that maintains a complete record of every part-who made it, where it is and its performance history. In support of SSP, DRC has developed an Integrated Engineering Environment that uses software to simulate the characteristics of electronic components. Software simulation is used to design and evaluate system improvements without the expense and time consuming process of building physical mockups of the device.

DRC applies information system and manufacturing technologies to create innovative solutions that enhance the performance, reliability and cost effectiveness of complex systems. A system is being built to test secure communications devices known as the Joint Tactical Information Distribution System (JTIDS) which provides highly secure and reliable digital communications over a radio network of airborne, ship borne and land based nodes. The device is designed to stress test JTIDS performance in simulated combat conditions. It may also be used for training as well.

DRC developed, and for 15 years has operated, a maintenance management information system used for all F-16 aircraft. The system has more than 14,000 terminals at 72 user sites worldwide, linked by satellite and land based communications to a central computer. This is an example of DRC’s unique capability in the development of complex, large scale systems that provide logistics support, configuration management, performance and reliability information decision support tools for its customers.

In addition to providing support to the Defense Department, DRC designs, custom-engineers, and produces high precision products used in demanding applications in commercial markets for automobiles, medical equipment, semiconductor processing, and factory automation equipment. The DRC Metragraphics Division uses advanced electroforming capabilities in the production of precision components used in printers and for other microminiature parts.

DRC has recently been awarded a prime contract by the Internal Revenue Service to provide support in information systems technology, information processing acquisition services and human-systems integration.

Sargent Controls & Aerospace

Member Since 3/1/91

Sargent Industries, the direct ancestor of today’s Sargent Controls & Aerospace, was founded by Sumner Benedict Sargent in 1920. Sumner was a designer and manufacturer of oil well equipment and tools; the first factory was in his backyard garage at Huntington Park, California. His company prospered, and expanded into the aircraft hydraulic valve market in 1935. Sargent hydraulic components were used on nearly every U.S. aircraft during WWII.

Subsequent to the war, Sargent closely collaborated with Electric Boat and the U.S. Navy in the transition from poppet-type hydraulic valves to the aircraft-type slide and sleeve valve, used throughout our submarine fleet ever since. This commenced an association with the Submarine Force that has prospered to this day, with Sargent components aboard every U.S. submarine since NAUTILUS. In the ’70s, Sargent expanded into quiet hydraulics and servo valves; marine hydraulics became the major portion of Sargent’s business. Sargent won a large portion of the design and production of both Trident and Seawolf hydraulic components.

Sargent was purchased by the Dover Corporation in 1987, and shortly thereafter moved to a new, modem plant in Tucson, Arizona. This 65,000 square foot facility with its total engineering capability manufactures all Sargent products. In addition to submarine and aircraft fluid components, Sargent Controls and Aerospace also designs and manufactures a wide variety of specialty bearings for aircraft, plus many other industrial uses.

Presearch Incorporated

Member Since 10/13/83

Presearch in an innovative, high technology services and products company which as a long-standing association with the Navy and the Submarine League. Founded in 1963 by its current CEO, Len Gollobin, Presearch continues to provide valuable analytical and engineering services, as well as high tech products to the Navy, Army, other government agencies and commercial clients.

At its beginning, Presearch provided the Defense Department analytical services which were instrumental in the decision process for research and development of undersea weapons systems, including torpedoes, mines, and sensors. Presearch gained a reputation for excellence through forthright studies, analyses, and independent assessments which, over more than 30 years, provided to decision makers and program managers valuable and critically important data and information. Some examples follow:

  • Technical and operational assessments of sensor and weapons developments under the purview of Program Manager ASW Systems Program (PM-4).
  • SEAPLAN 2000. The study to support SECNA V’s 600 ship Navy.
  • Mk 48 torpedo simulation and engagement scenarios to assess effectiveness and platform tactics.
  • Mk 50 torpedo design options evaluation, platform compatibility and Pk.
  • CAPTOR design performance prediction, minefield measure of effectiveness and countermeasures.
  • Surface ship noise specifications and quieting.
  • Mining and MCM for Haiphong.
  • Submarine/ ASW simulation and modeling; including oneon-one and multiple engagements.
  • ASW master strategy and investment studies, ASW force levels and development of the Annual ASW Master Plan.
  • SLMM and Quickstrike design evaluation.
  • Surface Ship Torpedo Defense simulation and modeling to assess performance in various scenarios.
  • Trade-off studies and tactics development.
  • Presearch has grown in its scope of activities over the years. Including its wholly-owned subsidiary, Control Concepts Incorporated, Presearch employs just under 200 people who have experience and expertise to solve complex systems engineering problems and can provide effective analytical and acquisition management support. Presearchers included analysts, acquisition specialists, operational researchers, scientists, warfare areas specialists, and engineers. The diversity in talent permits Presearch to perform effectively with highly integrated project teams. The scope of activities over recent years has trended to application of high technology into products for commercial and government clients. Over more than 10 years, Presearch’s strategy and emphasis on application of state-of-the-art technology into advanced technology prototypes, design engineering, and systems production have resulted in a company which has maintained its original analytical capability and has proven expertise in computer systems, massively parallel original analytical capability and has proven expertise in computer systems, massively parallel signal processors, algorithm development, software design, software tools integration for specialized applications, software and displays for naval applications, digital video image recall for physical security, and information technology application for intelligence analysis processes.

    Presearch ‘s capabilities in systems and software engineering have been and continue to be evident in Navy and submarine combat systems. For example:

    • Display software development for the AQS-20 minehunting sonar for helicopters.
    • Concept development for UUV application to submarines in their role to search for minefields and UUV penetration.
    • Application of COTS hardware, software, and Presearch designed algorithms into a Non-Traditional Acoustic Program to demonstrate new signal processing techniques.
    • Mil-Std computer code for the AN/BSY-2 and AN/SQS-89 combat systems.
    • Design, engineering and manufacture of a digital video image capture system for enhanced physical security of sensitive installations.
    • Software and display for the Interactive Multisensor Analysis Training (IMA T) system for acoustic training within the Submarine Force and other undersea (mine warfare) training.

    Presearch corporate headquarters is locate in the McLeantrysons Comer area in Fairfax County, Virginia. Other Presearch office sites in the United States are located to best serve customers, with the largest being in the Crystal City area to support NAVSEASYSCOM, SPAWARCOM, and PEOs for Undersea Warfare and Mine Warfare.

    Presearch, as a corporate sponsor of the Submarine League, has shown its valuable service to the Navy over the past 32 years and continues as a strong supporter of Navy League activities and its strategy towards the future of the Submarine Force.

    Guill Tool and Engineering Co., Inc.
    Diane Guillemette, Administrative Manager

Naval Submarine League

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