In January 1990, I was serving on the US delegation to the nuclear testing talks with the Soviet Union in Geneva. Our delegation was headed by ambassador Paul Robinson from Los Alamos National Laboratory who was a friend of movie producer Jack Valenti. Paul got a note from Valenti saying that he was about to release a new film called “The Hunt for Red October.” Would Paul like to receive an advance copy of the movie to show to the delegation? Paul said yes and the film canisters arrived.
Valenti also offered to pay for the rental of a movie theater in Geneva to accommodate as many guests as Paul might like to invite. Since our relationship with our Soviet counterparts was businesslike and cordial, Paul invited them to attend. The Soviets said they would think about it and let him know. A week later, they replied: “spasiba, nyet.”
Apparently Moscow had done some homework and found out about the plot.