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Naval Submarine League Fleet Awards by Kris Korfonta

The Naval Submarine League’s Annual Symposium and Industry Update typically serves as a venue for Submarine Force leadership, active duty, government, and industry to interact. It also serves as a platform to honor those in the Submarine Force who show exceptional performance. The Fleet Awards, which have been presented since 1986, are named for submariners who exemplified the principles of the award. You can read about these famous submariners on the NSL website under the “Awards” section.

The Awardees this year proved themselves to be incredibly humble. MTCS(SS) Reardon said it felt “odd” to be accepting this award because he “didn’t do this by [him]self.” Many of them were surprised to hear they had won an award, because they knew they were just doing their job and because they were functioning as a team without thinking of themselves.

The Fleet Awards have always been presented to individuals rather than groups to celebrate that without these individuals, the team would not function as well as it does. Each of the Fleet Award winners are hard-working, impressive submariners who have thoroughly earned our recognition. CAPT Ed Little, USN, Ret., who helped our Executive Director Tim Oliver present the awards, said, “We make sure people know when they do a good job.”

The Rear Admiral Jack N. Darby Award was awarded to CDR David Edgerton, USN, for Inspirational Leadership and Excellence in Command as Commanding Officer of the USS Columbia (SSN 771). CDR Edgerton is currently assigned as Current Operations Director for SEV- ENTH Fleet in Yokosuka, Japan.

The Charles A. Lockwood Award was awarded to LCDR Alex Rinal- di, USN, for Submarine Professional Excellence. LCDR Rinaldi, while serving as Engineer Officer on USS Albany, improved Bualifications, training, material condition, level of knowledge, and casualty response. He also promoted enlisted retention and assisted several candidates with preparations for officer selection.

The Chief  Paul Golden  Saunders Award  was presented  to ST- SCS(SS) Edward Plew, IV, USN, for Submarine Professional Excellence. STSCS(SS) Plew, while serving on USS Hartford as Weapons Department Leading Chief Petty Officer, accomplished three Operation Reactor Safeguard Examinations, two Combat Readiness Evaluations, Submarine Command Course Operations, ICEX 2016 and 2018, one EUCOM deployment, and one surge deployment. The ship was awarded the Navy Unit Commendation for their 2017 EUCOM deployment and the Battenberg Cup.

The Torpedoman Second Class Henry Breault Award was presented to MMW1 (SS) Mark A. Hoel, USN, for Submarine Professional Excellence. MMW1(SS) Hoel served on the USS John Warner as Torpedo Division Leading Petty Officer. During their maiden deployment, the USS John Warner earned the distinction of becoming the first Virginia-Class Attack Submarine to launch Tomahawk missiles in combative action.

The Levering Smith Award, presented to MTCS (SS) Jeremy Rear- don, USN, was for Submarine Support Achievement for his service as Chief Master at Arms for Naval Submarine Support Center, Bangor, Washington. MTCS(SS) Reardon has completed sea tours on board USS Kentucky, USS Wyoming, USS West Virginia, USS Alaska, USS Ken- tucky, and USS Maine.

CMDCM(SS) Steven Rauch, USN, earned the Master Chief Frank

  1. Lister Award for Exceptional Leadership and Motivation for his ser- vice as Chief of the Boat on USS Alabama (SSBN 731) (Gold). CMDC- M(SS) Rauch has served on board USS Portsmouth, USS Jefferson City, USS Kentucky, USS Alaska, USS Pennsylvania, USS Nevada, and USS Alabama. He is a graduate of Senior Enlisted Academy and the Com- mand Master Chief/ Chief of the Boat Leadership Course.

The VADM J. Guy Reynolds Award was awarded to CAPT Mark Matthews, USN. CAPT Matthews served as the Program Manager for the Advanced Undersea Systems Program (PMS 394) from August 2014 to June 2018. He currently serves as the Senior Military Assistant to the Undersecretary of Defense for Acquisition and Sustainment.

Lastly, HM2(SS) Prudencio Sy, USN, earned the Frederick B. Warder Award for Outstanding Achievement. HM2(SS) Sy is a Hospi- tal Corpsman and an Advanced Laboratory Technician currently serving onboard the USS Pennsylvania as the Medical Department Representative.

Many of the awardees mentioned the “family atmosphere” they feel, being a submariner. MMW1(SS) Hoel, USN said that what the movies don’t get right, what they can’t show are the small moments, “how we interact, the day to day.” They need to be able to get along for months at a time underwater without a break and that closeness breeds a community that makes all their hard work not just meaningful because of what it does for our country but also enjoyable to be a part of the team.

One of our awardees, who was overseas and was unable to accept the award in person, sent his parents in his stead. They came all the way from Houston. His mother, Missy Edgerton, said with the biggest smile on her face that she “couldn’t be more proud.” The Naval Submarine League is proud, as well, of each of these extraordinary submariners.

Following are the citations for each award.

The Naval Submarine League FREDERICK B. WARDER AWARD

For Outstanding Achievement

is presented to HM2 (SS) Prudencio C. Sy, USN November 8, 2018

For Service as set forth in the following CITATION:

For outstanding meritorious service in the performance of duties as an Independent Duty Corpsman in USS PENNSYLVANIA (SSBN 735) (Blue).

As the Medical Department Head, Petty Officer Sy manages seven command critical programs, while providing emergency medical care, maintaining 100% record accountability, and ensuring a high state of medical/dental readiness. His ability to manage his programs to the highest standards assisted the command in attaining high marks during several recent NTPI, ORSE, and Medical Department Examinations. During a recent Industrial Hygiene Survey, he assisted in the evaluation of underway noise exposures aboard PACFLT submarines. His assessment resulted in evaluating and improving the medical surveillance of over 1400 personnel from 10 trident submarines.

As a leader, Petty Officer Sy supervises and trains eight crew members of the Emergency Medical Assessment Team (EMAT), ensuring the best deployed care for the crew. He is an expert in the Radiation Health Program and pro- vides mentorship and guidance to one Division Officer and five Engineering Laboratory Technicians. During the most recent patrol, he effectively administered emergency treatment to a crew member who suffered a brain seizure and kidney infection.

Petty Officer Sy dispensed extensive medication to manage infection, pain, and fever and was able to stabilize the patient for 5 days before a MEDEVAC was available. He led a team of 5 EMAT members and established round the clock care. His swift action and medical treatment directly resulted in a successful MEDEVAC and overall recovery.

Petty Officer Sy’s sustained superior performance and his significant contribution to the mission of the Submarine Force make him most deserving of the Naval Submarine League Frederick B. Warder award for outstanding achievement.

The Naval Submarine League


For Inspirational Leadership and Excellence in Command is presented to CDR David L. Edgerton, USN

November 8, 2018

For Service as set forth in the following CITATION:

For exceptionally meritorious service as Commanding Officer, USS CO- LUMBIA (SSN771). Commander Edgerton has fostered a culture of high standards, individual ownership, and achievement among his crew. His consistently high level of performance resulted in a crew that was superbly prepared for all missions.

COLUMBIA completed two recent Western Pacific deployments. During these deployments COLUMBIA excelled during several missions, accomplishing tasking in the most challenging littoral environment. CDR Edgerton brings out the best qualities of his crew. He educates, inspires, and empowers his subordinates, producing skilled leaders who employ keen decision-mak- ing habits. His strong mentorship and guidance have resulted in high officer and enlisted retention achievements.

COLUMBIA was lauded by the Type Commander for his efforts to balance in port work load with crew quality of life initiatives and was awarded the 2017 Retention Excellence Award. As a team player, he maintained close working relationships with the Fleet Maintenance Branch and Pearl Harbor Naval Shipyard, ensuring COLUMBIA completed all maintenance periods on time or ahead of schedule. With strong standards for material readiness, he developed a team with a fix it now mentality that minimized equipment in reduced status or out of commission.

As a result of CDR Edgerton’s leadership and teamwork, COLUMBIA was awarded the 2E17 CSS-7 Battle Efficiency “E.” He clearly merits recognition by the Naval Submarine League Jack N. Darby Award for inspirational leadership and excellence in command.

The Naval Submarine League Torpedoman Second Class Henry Breault AWARD

For Submarine Professional Excellence is presented to MMW1 (SS) Mark A. Hoel

November 8, 2018

For Service as set forth in the following CITATION:

For outstanding professional performance as Torpedo Division Leading Petty Officer on USS JOHN WARNER (SSN 787).

Petty Officer Hoel played a key role in the success of JOHN WARNER’s pre-deployment preparations and successful deployment to the European Command Area of responsibility, as a Weapons Supervisor and Bualified Virginia Class Pilot. Conducting the first ever expeditionary reload of a Virginia Payload System (VPT) deployed in theater in the midst of the ships deployment, he was the stabilizing force which led to a seamless transition from mission tasking at sea to safe operations in port.

His leadership and management of his division resulted in the readiness demonstrated by JOHN WARNER executing the first ever tactical launch by a Virginia Class Submarine and the VPT System. In addition, the weapons team maintained the highest level of knowledge and operational expertise in all areas of theater operations and successfully launched 6 Tomahawk Land Attack Cruise missiles. His meticulous planning and foresight resulted in the completion of over 100 hours of corrective maintenance to maintain full weapons systems operational capability. His ability to train junior personnel provided watch bill flexibility to the ship.

His direct supervision and ownership of force protection operations in foreign ports led to zero incidents, ensuring the safety of the ship and crew for the entire deployment. Petty Officer Hoel performs at a level well above his pay grade and embodies the characteristics of a Chief Petty Officer. He is most deserving of the recognition being awarded by the Naval Submarine League Torpedoman Second Class Henry Breault Award for submarine professional excellence.

The Naval Submarine League VADM J. GUY REYNOLDS AWARD

For Excellence in Submarine Acquisition is presented to CAPT Mark Matthews, USN

November 8, 2018

For Service as set forth in the following CITATION:

For exceptionally meritorious service as Manager of the Advanced Undersea Systems Program Office (PMS 39D).

Captain Matthews is responsible for the coordination of stakeholders across NAVSEA, Fleet, academia, and industry to turn our most complex and forward leaning ocean engineering requirements into capability for our Combatant Commanders. He led a highly performing team of scientists, engineers, support staff, and sailors in producing eye watering maintenance availability results. The team under his leadership completed some of the most complex submarine maintenance on time to allow the Fleet to accomplish critical missions which ensure our national security.

His contributions in the area of rapid acquisition, innovation, and ocean engineering were truly revolutionary. Particularly noteworthy was his work to deliver the submarine External Arrangeable Volume (EAV) which significantly enhanced the ability of submarines to support key ocean engineering research and development operations, expeditionary mine warfare, and special warfare operations. The significance of this accomplishment cannot be overstated, as it represents an extremely complex enhancement involving SUBSAFE, command and control, complex electronic interfaces, and understanding of the host platform to ensure safety, sound signature control, hydrodynamics, and mission flexibility.

In addition, he worked side-by-side with submarine Type Commanders and Squadrons to take waterfront feedback and rapidly modify cutting-edge, undersea research and development systems to meet Fleet needs. As a testament to his leadership and performance, his team earned a Navy Unit Commendation for their work in advanced undersea research and development, unmanned undersea vehicles, and ocean engineering in support of critical Navy, Department of Defense, and National priorities. Captain Matthews exemplifies the finest attributes for an acquisition professional.

He clearly merits recognition by the Naval Submarine League VADM J. Guy Reynolds Award for excellence in Submarine Acquisition.

The Naval Submarine League LEVERING SMITH AWARD

For Submarine Support Achievement

is presented to MTCS (SS) Jeremy Reardon, USN November 8, 2018

For Service as set forth in the following CITATION:

For outstanding meritorious service as Chief Master at Arms for Naval Submarine Support Center, Bangor, Washington.

Senior Chief Reardon leads a team of one Master Chief, two Senior Chiefs, and eight Chief Petty Officers. This team provides oversight, management, and counseling to junior enlisted staff personnel who expertly manage over 80 transient personnel transferred to the Support Center for various legal, medical, psychological, administrative, and disciplinary reasons. Under his cognizance, these personnel have been separated, converted, or returned to the submarine fleet more resilient, and ready to do their duty. While under his care, he has personally mentored many of them, assisting them with diverse individual and family challenges.

Other support provided by Senior Chief Reardon includes establishing an indoctrination program for all newly reported personnel to local submarines, providing for the setup of all local rating examinations, and providing ceremonial assistance for all change of command and retirement ceremonies. Senior Chief Reardon is on call 24/7. On numerous occasions he has personally intervened in cases involving at- tempted suicide, taking affected individuals on his own to medical/psychiatric facilities. In addition to all his assigned duties, he serves as a key command liaison effectively interfacing with multiple commands.

He also serves as the building manager for facilities that house over 4000 personnel. He person- ally sought out to lead the CPO Phase II Legacy Academy for the Pacific Northwest Region. His efforts have had substantial impact across the entire submarine force. He is the very definition of a behind-the-scenes unsung hero, who simply makes things happen due to his dedication, exceptional integrity, leadership, and sense of ownership. He is most deserving of recognition by the Naval Submarine League Levering Smith Award for submarine support achievement.

The Naval Submarine League


For Submarine Professional Excellence

is presented to STSCS(SS) Edward J. Plew, IV November 8, 2018

For Service as set forth in the following CITATION:

For superior professional excellence as Weapons Department Leading Chief Petty Officer on USS HARTFORD (SSN 768).

Senior Chief Plew has established a record of uncompromising performance and dedication to the crew of HARTFORD. His seasoned perspective is incorporated into all aspects of shipboard operational planning and mission execution. He significantly assisted in training eight junior officers and three department heads to stand Officer of the Deck and Contact Manager in support of missions throughout a multitude of diverse operations.

His efforts directly contributed to the ship receiving the highest grade in a Combat Readiness Evaluation. Based on his previous experience in the European Command Area of Responsibility, he acted as an ambassador for the Force to the Royal Navy during Ice Exercise 2018. He provided best practices regarding navigation of seldom transited areas and procedures necessary to safely transit the Arctic Circle. His personal initiative facilitated the flawless execution of the first multi-national North Pole surfacing involving three nuclear submarines.

Acting as a personal mentor to over 40 sailors, his guidance resulted in the ship never requiring non-crew support to get underway. He has produced one of the most cross trained weapons departments in the submarine fleet. By assuring high personal standards and direct interactions with trainees, he improved the number of Bualified Sonar Supervisors, Diving Officers, and Chiefs of the Watch. Senior Chief Plew’s leadership and unrelenting dedication to the current and future leaders of our force have made significant contributions in assuring the readiness of the force. He is most deserving of the Naval Submarine League Chief Paul Golden Saunders Award for submarine professional excellence.


For Exceptional Leadership and Motivation

is presented to CMDCM(SS) Steven Rauch, USN November 8, 2018

For Service as set forth in the following CITATION:

For outstanding meritorious service as Chief of the Boat in USS ALA- BAMA (SSBN 731) (Gold).

Under the leadership of Master Chief Rauch, ALABAMA (Gold) enjoyed unparalleled success in every mission area over the last three years. His positive leadership, superb management skills, uncompromising standards, and outstanding foresight were the key ingredients behind the ship’s sustained superior performance. His leadership through four deterrent patrols, three Operational Reactor Safeguards, two Tactical Readiness Evaluations, two Defense Nuclear Surety/Augmenting Technical Proficiency Inspections, and a Supply Management Inspection were key factors in assuring superior grades in all areas.

ALABAMA (Gold) amassed a record number of awards during his tour. They included: two Battle Efficiency “E” awards, two Engineering red “E’s,” and two White “W” awards, two PACFLT Retention Excellence Awards, one Fleet Trident Outstanding Performance Award, and the Omaha trophy. During his tenure as Chief of the Boat, his steady and focused leadership led to improvements in every facet of the ship’s operations while simultaneously improving retention, advancement, and crew morale.

His aggressive and meticulous attention to the ship’s manning ensured that ALABAMA (Gold) is one of the best manned submarines in the fleet. His mentoring of assigned personnel resulted in a 62% advancement in rate for E4-E6. Nine CPO selections and an LDO selection during his tour can also be attributed to his support and counseling.

CMDCM Rauch was absolutely essential to ALABAMA’s success and he is widely respected on the Bangor waterfront. His spirit, leadership, and zeal make the difference. He is truly deserving of recognition by the Naval Submarine League Master Chief Frank A. Lister Award for exceptional leadership and motivation.

The Naval Submarine League CHARLES A. LOCKWOOD AWARD

For Submarine Professional Excellence is presented to LCDR Alex Rinaldi, USN November 8, 2018

For Service as set forth in the following CITATION:

For outstanding performance as Engineer Officer in USS ALBANY (SSN 753).

Lieutenant Commander Rinaldi has, in his short time aboard, dedicated himself completely to the success of ALBANY. Following ALBANY’s three consecutive failed engineering exams, as a newly reported Engineer he brought Bualifications, training, material condition, level of knowledge, and casualty response back to standards. He prevailed through an uncommon work ethic and tremendous personal sacrifice.

Most impressively, he did it with a positive attitude and all the while inspiring those around him. LCDR Rinaldi is not only a fantastic engineer, but also a brilliant teacher. Using his skills, he has trained and influenced every department on the ship. He pre- pared division officers for Officer of the Deck Bualifications, and led tactical, ship handling, and navigational training sessions. He assisted in developing sea trials operational training plans in conjunction with preparing his department for the first critical reactor plant operations in five years.

All examinations for these impending operations were completed with excellent results. LCDR Rinaldi has single handedly brought a new atmosphere on board which promotes all aspects of improving officer and enlisted retention. He person- ally assisted several candidates with preparations for officer selection. LCDR Rinaldi has improved the confidence and aptitude of the entire crew, ensuring ALBANY’s future leaders will be prepared to lead our force in the future. He is truly deserving of the recognition by the Naval Submarine League Charles

  1. Lockwood Award for submarine professional excellence.



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