In May of last year I had the distinct pleasure of attending the 100th Anniversary of the Russian Submarine Force. I came across a booklet published by the Rubin Central Design Bureau that contained Dr. Igor D. Spassky’s treatise on the 100 Years of Russian Submarining. It is a seminal work to be read by all submariners, designers, builders and suppliers to Submarine Forces worldwide. To that end I knew it should have wide distribution. Unfortunately, Dr. Spassky was not available at the time. Upon return home I communicated with him by letter requesting permission to print his essay in the U.S. Naval Submarine League’s, The Submarine Review. He responded promptly with the following warm letter.
In my view Dr. Spassky is an historic figure, a uniquely preeminent submarine designer and a true patriot. I take great pride in the Submarine League providing wide distribution to his thoughtful history. I offer Dr. Spassky the profound thanks of the Submarine League for his permission to distribute his History of the Russian Submarine Fleet.
Bruce DeMars
Admiral, U.S. Navy (Retired)
Dear Mr. Bruce DeMars,
In the days when the 100-years anniversary of Russian Submarine Force was celebrated in Saint-Petersburg, I was in the town of Severodvinsk and could not take part in the International Meeting of Submariners. It’s a pity that I could not meet you personally and make your acquaintance.
In the late 1980’s I frequently came across your interviews in different magazines where you were upholding the concept of SSN 21 SEA WOLF and shared your views on the development of US Navy Submarine Force. I read these materials with great interest and I am still very interested in the latest achievements of US shipbuilders and submariners. I have no doubt that the concept of SSN SEA WOLF in the promotion of which you have played an important role had determined the further development of US Navy Submarine Force to a large extent.
I am glad that you like my essay devoted to the 100-years anniversary of Russian Submarine Force and wanted to publish it in the Naval Submarine League, The Submarine Review. I am eagerly giving you the permission to publish it.
I am of the opinion that the publication of my essay in the League’s Review will permit the American submariners to get familiarized with my views on certain landmarks in the history of Russian Submarine Force and help to further develop the mutual understanding of the shipbuilders and sailors of our countries.
Let me thank you for the high appraisal of my essay and your cordial words addressed to me. I hope we will be able to meet during your next visit to Saint-Petersburg.
Best regards,
I. D. Spassky
General Designer
Head ofCDB ME “R11bin”
Acaden1icia11 RAS