In a recent television documentary about the loss of the I French submarine SURCOUF, a distinguished British submariner expressed the view that be was of…
In a recent television documentary about the loss of the I French submarine SURCOUF, a distinguished British submariner expressed the view that be was of…
Reviews and reviewers rarely satisfy either an author’s expectation or indeed, ego. Robin Pirie’s recent and generous review of my book, In Harm’s Way: American…
Fonmer Director of Naval Intelligence [Ed. Note: Emphasis added] FOREIGN TECHNOLOGY and the CONCEPT OF THREAT Oh, for the good old days —…
Congressional Research Service Library of Congress Mr. Ronald O’Rourke has worked for the Congressional Research Service since 1984. In 1986 he testified on SEAWOLF before…
Naval Postgraduate School Monterey, Colifornia Dr. Tritten is an Associate Professor in the National Security Affairs Department at the Naval Postgraduate School. Professor Tritten…
President, Center for Naval Analyses [Ed Note: Emphasis added] Mr. Chairman, Admiral Trost, Admiral Long, Admirals, Dr. Bostrom, distinguished guests, ladies and gentlemen, I…
Thank you very much, ladies and gentlemen. And thank you very much, Admiral Kelso, for that most kind introduction. Indeed, Alma and I are very,…
EDITOR’S COMMENTS Leading the diverse and interesting material in this issue of SUBMARINE REVIEW is a special tribute to the Strategic Submarine Force delivered by…
SUBMARINE TORBAY by Paul Chapman, copyright 1989, printed in Great Britain by St. Edmundsbury Press, Bury Street, Edmunds, Suffolk Published by Robert Hale Limited, Clerkenwell…
SEA WOLF Cancellation THE WALL STREET JOURNAL – January 7, 1992. “Defense Secretary Dick Cheney, carrying out budget cuts ordered by the White House, told…
Naval Submarine League