Captain Jim Patton is President of Submarine Tactics & Technology of North Stonington, CT. He is a retired submarine officer who commanded USS PARGO (SSN650).…
Captain Jim Patton is President of Submarine Tactics & Technology of North Stonington, CT. He is a retired submarine officer who commanded USS PARGO (SSN650).…
Mr. Merrill is a frequent contributor to THE SUBMARINE REVIEW and is a published author of several books 011 the history of undersea technology. He…
Rear Admiral Holland is a submarine officer who spent most of his active service in submarines. He has been a frequent contributor to THE SUBMARINE…
It is great to be here today to speak to this audience. This is my first opportunity to attend the Naval Submarine League Corporate Benefactors…
I’m happy to be here participating in my third Naval Submarine League Corporate Benefactors Days celebration as COMSUBFOR. Two years ago, this event was my…
Admiral Reynolds, thank you for that kind introduction. VADM Donnelly, RADM Mauney, RADM Hilarides, active duty and retired Flag Officers, Corporate Benefactors, industry partners, ladies,…
At 0800 on 16 March 2007 I was met on at the Trident pier Port Canaveral, Florida by PCU HAW All (SSN776) Executive Officer, LCDR…
Naval Submarine League