Thank you Admiral Reynolds, Admiral Mies, distinguished guests. There arc so many old friends and shipmates in the audience. It is always a pleasure for…
Thank you Admiral Reynolds, Admiral Mies, distinguished guests. There arc so many old friends and shipmates in the audience. It is always a pleasure for…
VADM Sagerholm is a retired submarine officer. He comma11ded USS KAMEHAMEHA (SSBN642) a11d was Deputy Director of Naval Intelligence. As a Flag Officer he served…
Good afternoon and welcome to the 261h Annual Naval Submarine League Symposium. I’m deeply honored to stand before you as Chairman of the Naval Submarine…
The story I am about to tell covers a period 40 to more than 60 years ago. As of this date the principal participant has…
REMARKS AT NAVAL SUBMARINE LEAGUE SYMPOSIUM OCTOBER 22, 2008 It has been a fairly busy seven days. Last Tuesday night I left and flew to…
Editor’s Note: Mr. Armstrong is a well k11ow11 teller of sea stories, especially among readers of submarine-specific web sites. This particular piece was recommended by…
The deactivation of DSRV-1 (MYSTIC) on 1 October 2008 is a time for me to reflect on my involvement with this program over a considerable…
Mr. Patrick Bevins has 35 years experience in submarine operations and design, and is currently the Program lead/or future submarine rolls and missions at General…
Commander Stern presented this Deployment Brief to the Naval S11bmari11e league’s Annual Symposium 011 October 23, 2008. Good afternoon ladies and gentlemen. Thank you for…
Editor’s Note: A version of this article appeared recently in the Royal Navy’s Naval Review. Introduction During the 1980s periodically the Soviet Navy deployed significant…
Naval Submarine League