Captain Patton is a retired submarine officer who is a frequent co11trib11tor to THE SUBMARINE REVIEW. Background There is presently a significant degree of concern…
Captain Patton is a retired submarine officer who is a frequent co11trib11tor to THE SUBMARINE REVIEW. Background There is presently a significant degree of concern…
Dedicated in Memory of Ralph A. Alpher, Ph.D. (1921-2007), Naval Ordinance Laborato1y (1940-1944), Johns Hopkins APL (1944-1955). Dr. Alpher is an independent research consultant based…
Editor’s Note: The topic for Naval Historical Foundation/Naval Submarine League’s Annual Submarine His-tory seminar in April was The Rise of the Submarine Based Ballistic Missile.…
Good Morning and thank you ADM Padgett for your kind introduction. I am appreciative of the opportunity to speak here today. This is an extremely…
Colonel Saito and Major Surgana, Japanese Anny Engineering Corps, were two builders of the most notorious railroad ever constructed under monstrous and primitive conditions. This…
Captain Patton is a retired submarine officer who is a frequent contributor to THE SUBMARINE REVIEW. Background As the world continues to pursue the admittedly…
Indian Navy (lN) Submarine VAGLI (commissioned on 10 August 1974), the last of the Foxtrots (Project 64 Ii) was decommissioned on 09 December 20 I…
This article describes one SSN’s early years from build to operational patrol. It will be of particular inter-est to those readers who have stood by…
ADM Mies, thank you for the warm introduction. Fellow Flag Officers, distinguished guests, Submarine Force, and Naval Submarine League members: it is a privilege to…
Dr. Anthony Wells is the 011/y living person to have worked for British /11tellige11ce, served in the Royal Navy and the United Stales Navy as…
Naval Submarine League