Thank you for the kind words-although I am reminded of an old journalist’s remarks: “if you live long enough … first, you get accused of…
Thank you for the kind words-although I am reminded of an old journalist’s remarks: “if you live long enough … first, you get accused of…
Dr. Lajos F. Szaszdi earned his B.A. in International Affairs at the Elliott School of International Affairs at The George Washington University. He obtained also…
Deputy Commander, U.S. SIXTH Fleet; Director of Operations, Intelligence (NJ), U.S. Naval Forces Europe-Africa; Commander, Submarine Group EIGHT; Commander Submarines, Allied Naval Forces South Wednesday,…
Dr. Robert L. Hess was the Navy ‘s principal representative on the joint Secretary of Defense and Director of Central Intelligence Committee to identify operational…
Good afternoon. I’d like to thank the Naval Submarine GLeague, specifically CAPT Garverick, Admiral Padgett, and Admiral Mies for the invitation and everything they have…
7 SEPTEMBER 2012 NORFOLK, VIRGINIA It all started on December 7th 1941, the Day of Infamy. After the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor, many of…
Good afternoon and thank you for that warm introduction. Admirals, leaders and friends of the Submarine Force-it is a pleasure to be here today. I…
Vice Admiral Richardson is the Commander, Submarine Forces. Lieutenant Holwitt serves as the navigator on board USS NEW MEXICO (SSN-779). The author of ‘Execute Against…
For more than a decade, Team Submarine has had an indelible presence at the Naval Submarine League’s (NSL) Annual Symposium. Our flag officers have made…
ADM Mies, thank you for the warm introduction. Fellow Flag Officers, distinguished guests, Submarine Force, and Naval Submarine League members-it is a privilege to be…
Naval Submarine League