A need to provide tactical support to u.s. air and ground forces stationed overseas gives rise to an important submarine mission. That mission is the…
A need to provide tactical support to u.s. air and ground forces stationed overseas gives rise to an important submarine mission. That mission is the…
The marvels of submarine high technology do not spring full-blown from corporate production lines or from the Navy’s internal long, slow process of research and…
In the era of Star Wars technology and artificial intelligence, the subject of automation sounds pedestrian. Have not decades of submarine command-control development brought with…
As part of an overall and orchestrated effort to oppose the current on-going modernization of the country’s Triad of strategic nuclear forces, certain critics have…
CONTROL OF SUBMARINES IN OPERATIONS ON ENEMY SEA LANES [Ed. Note: This is an astute Soviet article, apparently designed to indicate how submarine control should…
Just after the start of World War II, I reported on board “a rusty old sewerpipe.” That’s what we called our S-boat of WW I…
ALBACORE was the Navy’s high-speed, experimental submarine with the whale-like hull,driven by a very large propeller and a specially designed high-capacity silver zinc battery. Paralleling…
Wednesday: 1300, April 10, 1963. I was on the lower base at New London sitting with Sneed Schmidt in his COMSUBFLOT 2 office, along with…
FROM THE CHAIRMAN The Naval Submarine League is a growing and vital organization. Our numbers have grown to over 3300 members since our start in…
In the January Submarine Review, Phoenix discussed the World War II U.S. experience with steam-driven torpedoes, the Mk 14s and 23s, and with the electric-powered…
Naval Submarine League